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Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Now what is she up to?


Having resisted the whole Twitter thing for so long, I can't believe how much I've enjoyed it over the last week. There are numerous positives, for example, having a finger on the pulse of many "trends." Being able to follow other Twitterers has been fun and varied. I've also discovered (as an aside) what Google Reader can do having idly subscribed to a few feeds in the past and then forgetting about them. There is of course, one big negative to all of this; it zaps a lot more time than I would otherwise like. So, we're back to the same old same old...

I know I was supposed to have given up procrastination... and I will... tomorrow!



Miss Disaster said...

Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?

I have always planned to start a "Procrastinators Anonymous" club. I've just never quite gotten around to it...

Down the Rabbit Hole... said...

Now there's a thought, I'd probably join, after I spent a few weeks thinking about it... lol. :)