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Saturday 4 August 2007

Hunting Snarks...

I wonder if this is a good sign? (I'm sure it is!) I found myself dreaming about certain plot elements - well, when I say dreaming, I was actually waking up from the dream and trying desperately hard to cling on to the details. It's like a very delicate piece of paper with ideas and important notes written on it which you must memorise before the whole thing disintegrates into dust. I didn't need to think twice, if ever a sign was more obvious that I must crack on and do it, this was it.

I got the essence - which has spurred me on to finally work on a synopsis. (Hey - I'm not the only one who procrastinates over writing a synopsis - so don't be too hard on me!) It's a start and at least I can now see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. It might be handy at this point to find a tiny golden key on a three legged glass table, together with a bottle marked "Drink me."