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Sunday 25 May 2008

Jam Tomorrow - That's The Rule.

It seems I'm even more behind down the rabbit hole than I am up in the clouds on Bushy's page. No excuse really - unless you count Facebook and other time wasting activities.

Note to self: really must do better. Better - be-etter - baa-ett-er - baa-aaa.....

Tons of work to do. Yes it is work! How dare you suggest it's just playing about with writing! For such a "Nice little hobby" it does have it's frustrating moments. For one thing, no-one takes it seriously. You are expected to break off what you are doing in favour of something far more important, because you're not really doing anything. Well - oftentimes - if I'm being entirely honest - I haven't been doing any actual writing, because I've been doing other stuff. Mind you - I also get so overwhelmed by that other stuff that it can slip by the wayside too. What I think I'm trying to say is, procrastination has got the better of me (again). Some call it writers' block - but I know what I want to write (and edit - but that's a different matter altogether), I'm just putting it off.

So, even though I've been beating myself up for months (years?) about not achieving as much as I would want to, I'm going to say it all again:

Life is marching by - rapidly. You only get one chance - you know what you have to do!