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Wednesday, 7 January 2009

It's a start!


Today went reasonably well. Despite the obvious hiccups, I was able to straighten out chapters two and three and I'm pleased enough with the results so far. I had come up with a few ideas on holiday which I managed to put onto the page today for the first time. I also came up with another brainwave re chapter two last night... I even refrained from writing it down until today, keeping it in my head until ready to work with it - so now I know it must have been a good idea because otherwise, I would have forgotten it.

The other challenge I have at the moment is that my better half is now at home. He suggested we go for a walk this afternoon, maybe call in at the tennis club to find out what's what (we played and enjoyed a lot of tennis on holiday). I'm happy with regular walking. I would also be happy to fit in a regular tennis session each week so, in keeping with the usual January stuff, that's another thing I'll have to keep you informed about.



John Quirk said...

Hey, Pippa, you've been tagged. Don't blame me, the voices in my head put me up to it...

Good meeting tonight, speak soon.

Down the Rabbit Hole... said...

Blimey! I'll have to think about that lol.

It was good to catch up with the group last night.

Annie Wicking said...

I came via the little black box.

I too have been busy writing over the holiday.

I hope 2009 is your year for your book.

Keep on writing and enjoying it.

Best wishes,

Down the Rabbit Hole... said...

Ah the little black box! Thanks for dropping by and I wish you well with your writing too.

