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Saturday, 3 January 2009

Happy New Year


Yep it's that time again. We came home from Cape Verde on Wednesday and I've been trying to get back into a routine since - never easy at the best of times. You spend a week or so getting used to the hot climate in some far away place, then once used to it, you have to come home to the freezing cold again pretty soon. It's a hard life!

Christmas was lovely. New Year was cold (we were back home by then). Anyway - enough about the silly season; it was escaped - yet again - that's all you need to know!

Far more important is what I'm going to do with this new year now it's here. Hmmm, well I could do what I normally do and start off with a long list of resolutions which I will gradually lose sight of or give up on altogether, slipping into old bad habits... Or, I can take stock of my dwindling life and make the most of what's left of it (which largely boils down to having a long list of resolutions - but ones I will stick to regardless).

Last years list went something like this:

Enjoy life more
Exercise regularly
Be more organised (where have we heard that one before!)
Spend more time with my family
Spend more time with my friends
Work harder
Be more disciplined (ha!)

I don't see anything wrong with this list so I will carry it forward to this year.

My personal daily "To Do" list last year went something like this:

5 pages of screenplay (I think I might have managed 5 pages - in total...)
Carry on with MD edits (I have carried on with these)
Finish GW and sub (well I did finish it - it just didn't get subbed...)
Try an exercise to a prompt or two... (I managed a few of these sporadically - just not daily)
Blog (ahem!)

Perhaps it is a tad unrealistic to attempt to write a screenplay and edit a novel at the same time so I'm going to revise this list to simply take into account the novel for now. I'm also going to remove the specific mention of GW for subbing and generalise by saying I will go through all my shorts over the course of the year and start subbing them.

So, new list:

Continue MD edits
Daily writing exercises (prompted)
Consider revisions to shorts and sub (over the year)
Blog 3+ times weekly!

I will put the screenplay on the back burner for now.



Uneducated Man said...

Where are you getting the prompts from? Huh? Huh?


Down the Rabbit Hole... said...

Prompts are everywhere...? What are you suggesting? Huh? Huh? There are many sources of prompts! (If that was what you were suggesting? Lol!)