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Monday, 30 July 2007

I often give myself very good advice (but very rarely follow it...)

While Bushy is having her crisis up there, I thought I would see what's going on down here... Not a lot it would seem! It's true what she's saying; I do need to get my life in order. Starting from now, I will not:

- be distracted by Emails and internet.
- laze around in bed for too long, daydreaming about what life could be like if only I could get up an hour earlier. Why not just... get up an hour earlier?
- procrastinate any more...!

Roughly, in no particular order, this is my writing "To do" list:-


1. NaNo 2004 (a fantasy novel - not in your traditional sense)
2. NaNo 2005 (a sort of sequel to 2004's effort - both need a LOT of work - especially this one)
3. NaNo 2006 (a complete change of direction)

4. Several short stories to polish up and sub - I want to find a home for all of them!


5 & 6. Two collaborative projects (one of which might end up becoming NaNo 2007...)

7. A Mystery/Romance just started (as an experiment - can I work with this genre?)

8. A couple of short stories for two (Skeelley) anthologies.

And there we have it; something that looks ever so cunningly like - a plan! (I just have to find the time to put some of it into action now...)

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